LNG industry database

A set of Excel file downloads spanning all key LNG industry data, as exported from the iGIS/LNG production system and updated continuously.  Additionally, a web-based API is available by separate agreement.


Data record counts by table as of 1Q2017
Sites 364 Companies 465 Yards & anchorages 105
Liquefaction units 311 Power units 481 Ship fleet 580
Regas units 317 Storage tanks 915 Ship LNG berths 439 
Owner records 911 LNG SPAs 540 Ship charters 731


WGS84 coordinate data and subscriptions available.  Note that all LNG sites are also given with ISO country and region codes.  Subscriptions are provided by allowing monthly re-downloads during the subscription period.


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A set of Excel file downloads spanning all key LNG industry data, as exported from the iGIS/LNG production system and updated continuously.

These tables go far beyond publicly available data in their coverage, detail and level of validation.  The tables are strictly normalized, which makes them analytically ready.  Key operational data includes upstream LNG gross calorific value.  The data is up-to-date, and, for example, data on liquefaction train output capacity includes upgrades due to de-bottlenecking, which may add 10% to original nameplate capacity, or more.  Historical, operating and planned assets are included, with project development stage and dates (not only years).

The relational structure permits pivot-table analytics, cross-coupling of tables and filtering on multiple criteria without time-consuming additional manual adaptation.  The data normalization entails that the information has been extensively quality-checked with multiple primary sources, eliminating errors and inconsistencies often present in public data.

The level of detail of the data is indicated by separate records for each liquefaction train, tank and berth, chronological registration of ownership positions, sales and purchase contracts and vessel charters.  Vessels are also ice-classed (as are berths), with indication if they are FSRU, FSU, FLNG or otherwise mobile.  Propulsion and tank particulars with boil-off rates allow vessel-specific journey costing.  Key contractual terms are given for SPAs and charters (when available.)

This LNG data product is sectioned into eight Excel files (zipped) to cover typical use-case groups.  Excel tabs and table names are unique and referentially consistent.  Different Excel files can therefore be coalesced into one workbook, and joinable in the database sense.  Note that the Excel files contain digital purchase signatures.

Versions of the Excel files that include precise WGS84 coordinates (decimal latitude and longitude) of all objects, suitable for use in advanced analytics, is available as options.



Note further the availability of data on:

  • VIII – LNG facility Power units, flares, and electric power plants associated to these facilities (whether operationally integrated or not), and
  • IX – LNG shipYards and anchorages.

This data may be provided by separate agreement.

Additional information

Select data of interest:

LNG liquefaction & regas assets, Core LNG data + storage tanks, Core LNG data + ship berths, Core LNG data with ownership, LNG owner-level data + SPA and capacity rights, LNG ship data with IMO numbers, LNG ships + charters + LNG plant data linkages