A broader natural gas perspective of the Ukraine crisis
Massive outstanding debts for Ukrainian natural gas imports from Russia, the Ukraine’s approchement to the EU, followed by Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and support…
Massive outstanding debts for Ukrainian natural gas imports from Russia, the Ukraine’s approchement to the EU, followed by Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and support…
The explosive growth in North Dakota oil production, mainly driven by exploration in the Bakken and underlying Three Forks shales structures, has driven a resurgence…
Yet that was the situation on some key locations on 5 February 2014, and typical prices were well above the magical crude oil parity of…
While international E&P costs have increased strongly in recent years, new data from US oil and gas companies show 30-50% gains in efficiency and yield…
The images of burning water and the resulting environmental discussions in the past two years have faded and natural gas production from the Marcellus shale is…
Energy Perspectives is pleased to release a whitepaper on coming US LNG exports. The US gas price fall in 2011 and international demand growth has…
Ok, North America has developed into a natural gas Eldorado in the past five years. However, the giant but “land-locked” North American gas market has…
The announcement of a Heads of Agreement between CNPC and Novatek for a minimum annual delivery of 3mt of LNG to China is highly significant,…
At the end of June, the UK Department of Commerce and Climate Change and the British Geological Survey released a revised, but still early assessment…
Oil and gas exploration and production in the US has always been different from the rest of the world, not least because of the sheer number…
We forecast that the world’s primary energy consumption will rise by 14.2% to year 2031 compared to 2011. Associated CO2 emissions increase by 7%. These numbers…